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The Hajj is a pilgrimage to mecca(Makkah). It is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world and is the fifth piller of Islam an obligation that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so. The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to Allah(God). The pilgrimage occurs from the 7th to 10th day ofdhu al-hijjah, the 12th month of theIslamic calendar . Because the Islamic calendar is aLunar calendar, eleven days shorter than the gregorian calendar used in the Western world, the Gregorian date of the Hajj changes from year to year. In 2007, the Hajj was from December 17–21; in 2008 from December 6–10, and in 2009 will be November 25–29. Ihram is the name given to the special state in which Muslims live whilst on the pilgrimage. The Hajj is associated with the life of muhammad from the 7th century, but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca is considered by Muslims to stretch back thousands of years to the time of Ibrahim(Abraham). Pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals: Each person walks counter-clockwise seven times about the ka'bah, the cube-shaped building which acts as the Muslim direction of prayer; kisses the black stone in the corner of the Kaaba; runs back and forth between the hills ofal-safa and al-marwah :drinks from the zamzam well ; goes to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil; and throws stones in a ritualstoning of the devil . The pilgrims then shave their heads, perform a ritual of animal sacrifice, and celebrate the three day global festival of Eid-al-Adha.

Hajj step by step

Types of Hajj

Tamattu' Hajj
Tamattu` means performing `Umrah during the Hajj season, and on the Day of Tarwiah a pilgrim gets into the state of Ihram for Hajj. Anyone intending to perform a Tamattu`` Hajj should on approaching the Miqat make intention for `Umrah. After fulfilling the Hajj rituals, one should offer a sacrificial animal.

Qiran Hajj
In this type of Hajj, a pilgrim should declare his intention to perform both Hajj and `Umrah together. Only when he throws the Jamrah of Al-`Aqabah, gets his hair shaved or cut that he can put off his Ihram. However, he should offer a sacrificial animal.

Ifrad Hajj
In the Miqat, a pilgrim of Ifrad Hajj declares his intention for Hajj only. He maintains his Ihram up to the Day of Sacrifice. No offering is required from him.

(Rituals of Umrah)
In Arabic the word `Umrah is derived from I`timar which means a visit. However, `Umrah technically means paying a visit to Ka`bah, performing Tawaf [Circumambulation] around it, walking between Safa and Marwah seven times. A performer of `Umrah puts off his Ihram by having his hair shaved or cut.

Some importent links for Hajj information click here

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Some Question Related to Saudi arabia - FAQ

Question Related to Family

  1. 1 i am working in KSA and i have a valid IQAMA, can i bring my grand father on visit visa ?
  2. 2 If a person is on a technician visa, does he have to produce his diploma at the time of applying for permanent family visa. ?What if the diploma/degree does not match the profession (assuming supervisory)mentioned on the Iqama. Does it matter?
  3. 3 Is my wife eligible for bringing me to KSA, under family visa ?" If not, What will be the ideal visa for me to proceed ?
  4. 4 I have a family visa.My wife is now in India with an exit and re-entry visa. We are expecting a new born baby in India soon. If I want to bring the baby within 2-3 months of birth,is there any requirement of separate visa or we can bring without the visa and after reaching hear we can add him to the existing Ikama?
  5. 5 I am working in Jeddah, when i want to renew my driving licence there is problem with the name of Iqama, before was no any problem. How i know that my name is not same in Jawazat office ? May i check through Internet ?
  6. 6 How can I bring a servant from India?
  7. 7 What Saudi labour is doing if they found any unauthorised degree,I mean, what is action is to be taken according to labour law of Saudia Arabia, If person found a false attestation or the documents. ? Read More

Question Related To Visa

  1. 1 if i leave my job. is there any change that i was chaged for my visa fee and other expenxcess?
  2. 2 My trade in visa is "kaarbaayi aam" actually i dont know what is this kaarbaayi aam ?can i bring my wife and childeran to here either permanently or on visit visa,is it possible??
  3. 3 I would like to initiate for my wife visa. I am working as an IT Manager and my profession mentioned is Computer Programmer. I want to know the cost for my wife's visa and who would pay that amount ?
  4. 4 My profession in iqama is programmer, and have family visa. My wife delivered in India, and the kid is 5 months now. Is it possible to bring him without visa? Read More

Out Of line Questions

  1. 1 I heard about a "free visa" concept. What does it really mean? My wife works in saudi, some of her co-workers told her that they brought their spouses on "Free visa?What is the difference between the so called "Free visa" and other visas like, "visit visa".
  2. 2 I am offered a job working for an American Company but will be based on client sites, would that pose any problems?
  3. 3 I've have the choice of choosing between an AC Technician visa or a Decor Technician visa, however I'm a Pakistani with a Mechanical Engineering degree from the US. My degree is attested. Can my degree be utilized for this type of technical visa when I want to get the permanent residency visa issued for my family? Read More

Professional Questions's

  1. 1 I am a General practitioner working in Nejran region since 3 years.I want to know about the possibility of transfer to a another city where schools are there & if possible, how can I proceed.?
  2. 2 My Iqama professional is General Electician so can i bring my family by Family resident visa?
  3. 3 My profession in iqama is "TRANSLATOR" and I am holding a bachelor of arts in English Literature attested by saudi consulate. Can I bring my family?
  4. 4 The issue is that the profession on degree does not match to that of iqama (degree is engineering and iqama is technician). My question is only regarding when I go to SA and apply for family visa. Would there be a problem ? ?
  5. 5 My profession on my Iqama is FANNI KAHARBAI is I am elegible to bring my family here either permanently or on visit visa ?
  6. 6 What i do for change my profession. in iqama
  7. 7 Mason or malaeyas can bring famly in Ksa ?
  8. 8 My employer and agent told me that they will change my profession later and "mechanical drughtman" can bring family or by my degree certificate am I eligible to bring my family as per commitment by my employer?
  9. 9 At present my profession is plumber and now I would like to change my profession to computer engineer, since the attestation get so old will the Jawazat office will accept these documents or should I need to re-attest these documents.Can I sponsor my mother after If I change my profession …?
  10. 10 I have a three years of diploma in computer science which is attested by the Saudi sansulate of my home country and re-attested by the forign affair of KSA Dammam.Will it enough to change my profession to computer technician.? Read More.....

Some More Questions

  2. 2 My friends want to bring his family on this profession "AMIL MAYMARI"...can you please let me know about that can he or not?
  3. 3 My Visa is auto Electrician Am i allow to bring family in KSA?
  4. 4 Manzil karbai , which i found out to be building electrician . is transferable =?
  5. 5 "kaharbe mabanee" and on iqama it is "kaharbae" can bring family ?
  6. 6 Can i bring family with "operator " job title?
  7. 7 I was given a laborer visa. I have completed a 3 year Automotive Technician diploma. Will i be eligible to bring my family on a permanent residence visa here in KSA should i change my profession based on my qualification? ?
  8. 8 I want to know the minimun period of time after which I can come to KSA on another visa after getting NOC from the earlier sponsor(MOH)? Read More....

Exit Reentry Questions

  1. 1 I am on direct sponsorship of the school as you mentioned. I hope to sign a new contract with another school soon, so I don't mind paying for my ticket home but I just want to leave this school without any trouble. Contractually I can leave, but I can't guarantee they will give me the NOC. If they refuse, I've heard the old trick of leaving the passport in the washing machine and getting a new one, clean of any previous visa.
  2. 2 My question is about NOC. Is there a validity period for NOC from the date of issue? I am planning to go on exit and come back on another visa in about 6 months. Since the new visa will take some time, should I take my NOC now or only when the visa is avalable?
  3. 3 Is it possible to reenter on a "visit visa" and work with a new company within the first year? I know some people who work here on a visit visa since their company doesn't sponsor people. Would it be illegal for me to work on a visit visa if i don't obtain a NOC? Read More....
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