i would like to clear a important point that many time sponsor call employee on visiter visa by saying that it a working visa, and i also have some cases in which the employee is been told that Company change their profession as soon as they arrive in kingdom, so in this post i m clearing some point's.
As mentioned in my earlier post, every work visa is associated with a profession. For example, a sponsor would like to hire an engineer but probably does not have enough engineer visas with him. The normal procedure for the sponsor would have been to apply to the Saudi Government's labor ministry and get the required number of visas corresponding to the professionals he wishes to hire. However, getting a new visa these days is almost next to impossible due to pressure of Saudization from the government.
The result is quite predictable! The sponsor will try to bring you into the kingdom with whatever visa available with him. Of course, it is not necessary that you have to work in the same profession as what is mentioned in your visa. But please be cautioned that you will be severely affected when it comes to benefits, such as bringing your family into the kingdom. This has already been covered in earlier but it is worth mentioning here once more because it is quite a herculean task to have your profession changed. Some sponsors bring candidates on visit visas with a verbal promise that it will soon be converted into a work visa after arrival into the kingdom. Nothing can be farther from the truth.
Only a written instruction from the governor's office will change a person's visit visa to a work visa. Rest assured that this is almost next to impossible, Working in Saudi Arabia is a rewarding experience provided you take adequate precautions and be extremely careful, particularly about the type of visa and the profession mentioned in your visa before you set foot into the kingdom. be-carewfull.
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